Cardfight!! Vanguard G Booster Pack Vol. 4: Soul Strike Against The Supreme

Release Date | October 2, 2015 |
Featured Clans | Gear Chronicle, Royal Paladin, Neo Nectar, Shadow Paladin, Genesis, Angel Feather, Megacolony clans, Cray Elemental |
Card Types | 104 types of cards (GR: 2 / RRR: 8 / RR: 12 / R: 22 / C: 60) + SP: 12 [Parallel] (GR = Generation Rare) |
Others | 1 pack contains 5 random cards 1 display contains 30 packs 1 card in every pack will definitely be an R or above card!! |
Campaign | 1 PR card (Total 4 types) will be included in each display!! |
Heat up the fight with VGE-G-BT04 [Soul Strike Against The Supreme]!!
Look out for strong cards used by Team TRY3 and their rivals from the Cardfight!! Vanguard G anime, as well as new cards to upgrade your favorite decks from previous sets!!
Featuring new and powerful units for <<Gear Chronicle>>, <<Royal Paladin>>, <<Neo Nectar>>, <<Shadow Paladin>>, <<Genesis>>, <<Angel Feather>>, <<Megacolony>> and <<Cray Elemental>>!!
Do you have what it takes to stand up against supremacy?
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Revealing the G-BT04 Secret Pack!
Packs including 5 SECRET rarity cards will be randomly inserted! (Total 6 types)!
Chronodragon Nextage
Each Secret Pack will contain 1 piece each of G-BT04/SR03EN, G-BT04/SR04EN, G-BT04/SR05EN & G-BT04/SR06EN. 1 piece of either G-BT04/SR01EN or G-BT04/SR02EN will be randomly inserted in every Secret Pack.