Cardfight!! Vanguard G Booster Pack Vol. 7: Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword

Release Date | June 17, 2016 |
Featured Clans | Gold Paladin, Angel Feather, Kagero, Dimension Police, Dark Irregulars, Gear Chronicle clans, Cray Elemental |
Card Types | 104 types of cards [103 new cards / 1 reissue card] (GR: 2 / RRR: 8 / RR: 12 / R: 22 / C: 60) + SP: 12 [12 Parallel] + SGR (Super GR): 2 [2 Parallel] (+ SP: 30 [From SP Clan Pack]) |
Others | 1 pack contains 5 random cards 1 display contains 30 packs 2 PR cards (Total 6 types) will be included in each display!! |
The pieces are set, and the time has come, to move forward from the GIRS Crisis over to Stride Gate!
[Glorious Bravery of Radiant Sword] features new trump cards for various characters that will play a role in time to come.
Who could they be?
Also being featured are cards that boost the [Knight of the Sun] Start Deck.
Furthermore, look out for the new Super GR parallel cards, as well as the SPs from the rare SP Clan pack!
Reach out and grab hold of the glorious future!

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