Cardfight!! Vanguard G Technical Booster: The RECKLESS RAMPAGE

Release Date | February 19, 2016 |
Featured Clans | Tachikaze, Spike Brothers, Nubatama |
Card Types | 75 types of cards [73 new + 2 reissue cards] (GR: 3 / RRR: 6 / RR: 12 / R: 21 / C: 33) + SP: 12 [12 Parallel] |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 12 packs Every pack will definitely have one R, and an additional R or above! |
Campaign | 1 PR card (number of types to be confirmed) is included in every box! |
A new booster based on the Clan Booster comes charging in!
Like the Clan Booster, the Technical Booster narrows the focus to provide more support for specific clans.
However, “The RECKLESS RAMPAGE” focuses on not one, but THREE clans – <<Tachikaze>>, <<Spike Brothers>> and <<Nubatama>>!
Also, whichever clan catches your fancy, you can now build a deck solely from cards that can be found in the Technical Booster!
“The RECKLESS RAMPAGE” includes many powerful cards that will let you launch wave after wave of overwhelming attacks!
Don’t forget to keep a look out for the new keyword abilities for the 3 clans of <<Tachikaze>>, <<Spike Brothers>> and <<Nubatama>>!
Plan your strategy with the new boost given to these clans by power of Stride!
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